Хочу говорить по-русски. Учебный комплекс для детей-билингвов. 2 класс. Рабочая тетрадь
The course "Hochu Govorit' Po-Russki" (I Want to Speak Russian) has been specifically designed for teaching bilingual children at the Russian weekend schools. It is based on the methodology of teaching Russian as a family language, that was developed by the authors to create and maintain an interest of bilingual children to study Russian and use the language within their families. The workbook is structured similarly to the textbook: it is divided into lessons, and each lesson covers a certain topic or a situation, that is described in the textbook. It includes various tasks to improve children's language skills as well as develop their thinking, memory, learning and creative abilities. The workbook is mainly designed for independent study at home with parents and older siblings.